Ecosystem Assessment and Reporting

The Numbers You Need To Prioritize Your Efforts

Developing ecosystems can be a fuzzy business. Together with 300 partners we made it a science. Without reliable benchmarks or data, innovation policies and programs often don't result in expected economic impact. Our leading entrepreneurship and startup ecosystem assessment methodologies guide policy executives toward sound decisions to develop more talent, startups, and scaleups.
  • Leverage the Voice of The Entrepreneur
    First-hand insights from 12,000+ entrepreneurs each year enable deep insights of actual barriers for growth
  • Produce a Precise Assessment of Relative Gaps 
    Standardized data collection and metrics enable robust assessment and global benchmarking
  • Develop a Baseline and Drive Consensus
    Deliver a data-driven analysis from a trusted third party to find common ground and move to action
  • Identify Your Areas of Strength
    Conduct our standardized sub-sector assessment to quantify your clusters of excellence in the global context
  • Share Learnings with Experts and Peers
    Join our network meetings with world-leading innovation policy experts and build strong partnerships rapidly  
  • Develop a Credible Identity for Your Ecosystem
    Be part of the most important publications on startup ecosystems and put your region on the map

Startup Genome helps us realize our vision through a clear agenda for action and a fast track to impactful global partnerships.

Terry Rock

President & CEO, Platform Calgary

Global Knowledge and Partnerships

Join exclusive events as part of our global network and have candid discussions of actual policy outcomes with our clients and partners. Together we shape our common direction, develop knowledge and initiate projects with global impact. Bringing together top executives from the world’s leading and fastest growing startup ecosystems, we get straight to the point and work on solutions. Take part on behalf of your region to share learnings and forge powerful partnerships.

Startup Genome's analysis helps us to leverage the current attention of international investors, partners and government, and develop focused programs to continue the accelerated growth.

Nebojša (Nebo) Djurdjevic

CEO, Digital Serbia Initiative

Global Visibility and Identity

Raise awareness for your ecosystem on a global scale. Develop a credible identity around your Sub-Sector strengths, startup success stories and other notable highlights. To build global businesses, founders and and investors need to understand startup ecosystems just the way they need to understand their customers. Hundreds of thousands of them consider our insights and publications the smartest way to answer the age-old question: Where should I go next?

Even for cities with vibrant, growing startup ecosystems, Startup Genome allows us to see our strengths and growth areas, while providing broader context on cities and sectors everywhere.

Mark Anthony Thomas

SVP Partnerships, New York City Economic Development Corporation

Precise Assessment and Benchmarks

Leverage our expertise in entrepreneurship, public policy and data science and assess your startup ecosystem across 12 key Success Factors and 100 metrics. Our wealth of knowledge is built around comparative analysis of 150 cities and one million companies. Quantify your key challenges, validate your strengths and reach consensus on the right way forward. Let’s lay the foundation for an ambitious ecosystem strategy with focused action.

Let's Work Together

Contact us to learn more about how we can work together